December 8, 2020 - Patrick Kerwood

OS Query Launcher

This is a follow up on the "Kolide Fleet + OS Query" post. In the previous post we installed Fleet and enrolled a server manually, by installing OS Query and setting it up. In this post, we are going to create a package that includes everything. The package will be using gRPC instead of the REST.

# Setting up Traefik

Because the Launcher is utilizing gRPC instead of REST, we need to setup Traefik a bit different than my default Traefik setup (opens new window).

Fleet needs be setup to use TLS, because of gRPC. It does not have to be a valid certificate, since it's just between Fleet and Traefik. So we're going to create a selfsigned certificate.

We need to configure Traefik to skip verification on insecure certificates. If you configure Traefik with command line parameters, like I do, add below parameter to the command property of the Traefik service.

  - --serverstransport.insecureskipverify=true

Create the selfsigned certificate and key.

openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 1460 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout kolide.key -out kolide.crt

Then we'll have to make a few changes to the original (opens new window)fleet service.

  • Comment out the KOLIDE_SERVER_TLS variable.
  • Add volume mounts that points to the selfsigned certificate and key.
  • Add the label.




    image: kolide/fleet:2.6.0
    container_name: fleet
    restart: unless-stopped
    command: sh -c "/usr/bin/fleet prepare db && /usr/bin/fleet serve"
      - KOLIDE_MYSQL_ADDRESS=mysql:3306
      - KOLIDE_REDIS_ADDRESS=redis:6379
#      - KOLIDE_SERVER_TLS=false
      - KOLIDE_SERVER_CERT=/kolide.crt
      - KOLIDE_SERVER_KEY=/kolide.key
      - KOLIDE_AUTH_JWT_KEY=changeme
      - ./kolide.crt:/kolide.crt
      - ./kolide.key:/kolide.key
      - traefik-proxy
      - fleet
      - traefik.enable=true
      - traefik.http.routers.fleet.rule=Host(``)
      - traefik.http.routers.fleet.tls.certresolver=le
      - traefik.http.routers.fleet.entrypoints=websecure

Fleet and Traefik is ready to accept gRPC connections.

# Creating the Launcher package

The tool to create the package is called package-builder, its written in Go and we have to compile it from source.

Since Docker is a dependency of the package-builder binary and Docker is no longer supported on newer Fedora versions, I'm going to compile and run package-builder on a CentOS 7 server.

Install Docker, (opens new window). The legacy version in the repositories (v. 1.13.1) will not work.

Install EPEL Release.

sudo yum install epel-release

Install the Go packages needed, for your distro.

sudo yum install golang go-bindata

Clone the launcher repo and build package-builder.

git clone
cd launcher
make deps
make package-builder

Build the launcher package. Replace the hostname and enroll_secret with your own. You can find the enrollment secret in the Fleet WebUI after hitting the "Add New Host" button.

./build/package-builder make \ \

The package builder will output something simular.

Built packages in /tmp/launcher-package217092028

In that directory you will find a deb and a rpm package. When installing this package on a client it will install all necessary dependencies and will connect to Kolide Fleet.

# ls -lh
total 44M
-rw-r--r--. 1 kerwood kerwood 22M Jul 15 22:35 launcher.linux-systemd-deb.deb
-rw-r--r--. 1 kerwood kerwood 22M Jul 15 22:35 launcher.linux-systemd-rpm.rpm

Copy the launcher deb or rpm file to the host you want to inroll into Fleet and install it.

yum install ./launcher.linux-systemd-rpm.rpm


systemctl status launcher.launcher

# References

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