October 29, 2021 - Patrick Kerwood

Setting up Netbox with Pomerium

This post is a how-to on setting up Netbox with Docker Compose. In this example I will put Pomerium in front of the WebUI to be able to use Azure an Identity Provider and utilize Netbox's remote auth feature to auto create users that Pomerium grants access to.

Netbox does not support OIDC login out of the box. I believe it is possible to fiddle around with Django to enable social login, but nothing as easy as using Pomerium. Netbox comes with a remote auth feature (opens new window) where you setup Netbox to create or login a users based on a specific header in the request. Keep in mind that if anyone is able to get access to Netbox, around Pomerium, that person could create a header with a username and impersonate that user.

As usual I am using my default Traefik setup for proxying and certificates.

# Azure App Registration

As mentioned, I will be using Azure as Identity Provider. I will not be going into detail on creating the necessary Azure App Registration, but it is quite straight forward and the steps are as follows.

  • Create the Azure App Registration with default settings.
  • Set the callback URL to https://your-netbox-url.org/oauth2/callback in the Authentication menu.
  • Create a secret in the Certificates & secrets menu.
  • Grant the Directory.Read.All, Group.Read.All and User.Read.All API permissions on the Microsoft Graph API, in the API permissions menu. Remeber to grant admin consent.

You can find more documentation on Pomerium IDPs here. (opens new window)

# Pomerium

Like Azure App Registration, I'm not going into detail on how to setup Pomerium, but you can have a look at my other post.

Below is an example on a route configuration which will proxy requests from https://netbox.example.org to the netbox docker compose service. The policy will allow the user if the users email domain is example.org or is in the Azure AD group 62f8f72a-3e06-11ec-9bbc-0242ac130002 or is the specific user user@example.com.

As you probably noticed the group name is a UUID, that's because by default Azure will send the UUID on all the groups instead of the names. It is possible to change that by adding a groups claim. Have a look at this post if you want to do that.

One last thing, pass_identity_headers: true needs to be there to send the Pomerium ID headers to Netbox with the username.

Find more documentation on Pomerium Routes here. (opens new window)



- from: https://netbox.example.org
  to: http://netbox:8080
  pass_identity_headers: true
    - allow:
          - domain:
              is: example.org
          - groups:
              has: '62f8f72a-3e06-11ec-9bbc-0242ac130002'
          - email:
              is: user@example.com

Save your route configuration to a file, base64 encode it and add it to the ROUTES property in the docker compose file.

base64 -w 0 routes.yml

# Docker Compose

# Pomerium Settings

  • Change the cookie secret with the output of this command, head -c32 /dev/urandom | base64.
  • Set IDP_PROVIDER_URL, IDP_CLIENT_ID and IDP_CLIENT_SECRET with information from the Azure App Registration.
  • Set the AUTHENTICATE_SERVICE_URL to your netbox URL.
  • Set the Traefik router rule Host(`netbox.example.org`) to your netbox URL.

# Netbox Settings

In the Netbox service I use the REMOTE_* environment variables to enable remote authentication. To give users default permissions you will have to set REMOTE_AUTH_DEFAULT_GROUPS, create the group manually after login and assign permissions to it.

  • Set the REMOTE_AUTH_DEFAULT_GROUPS if you want to use another name than Default.
  • Set the SECRET_KEY to a random string.
  • Set the SUPERUSER_API_TOKEN to a long and random hex string (no more than 40 characters). You can use openssl rand -hex 20.
  • Set the SUPERUSER_PASSWORD to set the default admin password.

Optionally you can change all the database passwords to something different.








version: '3.9'

    external: true


    image: pomerium/pomerium:latest
    container_name: pomerium
    restart: unless-stopped
      INSECURE_SERVER: 'true'
      ADDRESS: :80
      COOKIE_SECRET: hga0ITGAa+eZWJqM7ZtPdPes+qEK9lT5Jtkj7I9u8+o=
      IDP_PROVIDER: azure
      IDP_PROVIDER_URL: https://login.microsoftonline.com/<azure-tenant-uuid-here>/v2.0
      IDP_CLIENT_ID: <azure-client-id-here>
      IDP_CLIENT_SECRET: <azure-secret-id-here>
      AUTHENTICATE_SERVICE_URL: https://netbox.example.org
      ROUTES: LSBmcm9tOiBodHRwczovL25ldGJveC5saW51eG5ldC5pbwog.......
      - traefik-proxy
      - netbox
      - traefik.enable=true
      - traefik.http.services.netbox.loadbalancer.server.port=80
      - traefik.http.routers.netbox.rule=Host(`netbox.example.org`)
      - traefik.http.routers.netbox.tls.certresolver=le
      - traefik.http.routers.netbox.entrypoints=websecure
      - traefik.docker.network=traefik-proxy

  netbox: &netbox
    image: netboxcommunity/netbox:v3.0-1.4.1
    container_name: netbox
      - DB_HOST=postgres
      - DB_NAME=netbox
      - DB_USER=netbox
      - REDIS_CACHE_HOST=redis-cache
      - REDIS_CACHE_PASSWORD=t4Ph722qJ5QHeQ1qfu36
      - REDIS_HOST=redis
      - REDIS_PASSWORD=H733Kdjndks81
      - SECRET_KEY=r8OwDznjdciP9ghmRfdu1Ysxm0AiPeDCQhKE+N_rClfWNj
      - SKIP_SUPERUSER=false
      - SUPERUSER_API_TOKEN=c577fb74c376d710a79cb657ddc3c75bb7c54c8b
      - SUPERUSER_NAME=admin
    user: 'unit:root'
      - netbox-media-files:/opt/netbox/netbox/media:z
      - netbox
      - postgres
      - redis
      - redis-cache

    <<: *netbox
    container_name: netbox-worker
    command: /opt/netbox/venv/bin/python /opt/netbox/netbox/manage.py rqworker
      - netbox

    <<: *netbox
    container_name: netbox-housekeeping
    command: /opt/netbox/housekeeping.sh
      - netbox

    container_name: netbox-postgres
    image: postgres:13-alpine
      - POSTGRES_DB=netbox
      - POSTGRES_USER=netbox
      - netbox-postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - netbox

    image: redis:6-alpine
    container_name: netbox-redis
    command: sh -c "redis-server --appendonly yes --requirepass $$REDIS_PASSWORD"
      - REDIS_PASSWORD=H733Kdjndks81
      - netbox-redis-data:/data
      - netbox

    container_name: netbox-redis-cache
    image: redis:6-alpine
    command: sh -c "redis-server --requirepass $$REDIS_PASSWORD"
      - REDIS_PASSWORD=t4Ph722qJ5QHeQ1qfu36
      - netbox

After deploying the application stack with docker compose, there's just a few extra steps you need to do.

You should be able to login with your IDP and Netbox will create your user with your email as the username, but you will not have any permissoins.

The quick reader is probably wondering why I didn't just set REMOTE_AUTH_SUPERUSERS, the answer is that not all REMOTE_* variables are supported in this Docker build.

After you've logged in successfully with your IDP for the first time, do the following steps.

  • Disable remote auth by commenting out the JWT_CLAIMS_HEADERS environment variable in the pomerium service and run docker-compose up -d to re-create it. This will stop Pomerium in sending the needed header.
  • Go to the Netbox WebUI again, you will probably stil be logged in with your user, just logout and login again with the default admin user.
  • Go to the Admin settings and give your IDP user superuser permissions by ticking the Superuser status and Staff status boxes in the user settings.
  • While you are there, you might as well create that Default group you've specified with the REMOTE_AUTH_DEFAULT_GROUPS variable.
  • Save and logout.
  • Enable the JWT_CLAIMS_HEADERS variable again and re-create pomerium.

# References

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